Actually it's really cool. We were lucky enough to be part of the first 10,000 voters of Wag World's Dog Park Make-over contest. One of the finalists is from Omaha (we live in Omaha, for those of you who don't know that) and we would totally love a new and improved dogpark. I love our dogpark now, but having a little make over would be really great. The finalist suggests easier walking paths for people who have a hard time walking. My grandparents have told me several times that they would like to go and watch Sammy run wild. With the crappy heat now, it's inconcivable, but maybe in late fall weather-wise it would be ok. It would still be a big hurdle, but that just rang very close to me!!! Our dogpark has some flooding issues with rain, and it's the midwest...we get lots of rainy days. It would be nice not to hafta pack a towel to go to the dogpark 4 days after rain. The fianlist submission has great ideas, and I really hope she wins.
I was all excited at the chance for Omaha to get a dogpark makeover, but when I was filling it out, it asked for our address to send a free toy. Actually, the first couple times we entered it asked for our address (we were good, we only submitted for one free toy). But after filling it out, it said it could be up to 10 weeks until we recieved our toy. To my came today!!!
Sammy loves to get the mail, and was bounding when there was a box. And somehow was able to realize it was all about him and waited patiently at my feet. For a few moments. Then, he became impatient and whined at my feet. We got a squeaky earth that says, "Wag World."
To Sammy's dismay, he had to wait for me to snap a picture of it. (Honestly now, Sammy, like any true corgi, will kill any squeaker quickly! I needed a nice picture for the blog before he could kill it!)
We have continued to vote, and hope that if anyone else feels inclined to for Omaha's here:
Voting ends August 11th, and there is 1 vote a day per person!!! Winner announced in September.
We are very grateful for our new toy. Sammy needed one after, Operation Destruction: One Toy at a Time! His toy box was slimming down. A new fun one rejuvinates his playing needs! Haha. For the first two hours, this is how it went. Then he ate dinner, went potty, and now he is passed out on the floor, head on pillow.
Thanks Wag World for our new toy!!! Please pick Omaha!! You will make this corgi a vv- vv- vv-veeery happy!!